Are you tired of playing Path of Exile Harvest League and eager to have a new league to play and to earn PoE currency online, well, the good news is the developer of Path of Exile Grinding Gear Games is now hosting a big reveal announcement for the next league for the Action Role-Playing Game, more exciting news is some new information is coming soon.
As the holiday season coming, a lot of players are looking forward to a lot of gaming announcements coming in the next week or so. Nintendo might be having some big reveals in September, such as Final Fantasy XIV will be premiering The Rising event, and Path of Exile just announced some exciting news for next week.
The studio Grinding Gear Games already has had several updates this year, including the Harvest Garden League update and the massive rebalancing of 50 items in Path of Exile. And, fortunately for fans, the next league is on the horizon, and then the announcement is coming much sooner than some might realize.
The developer Grinding Gear Games has already announced that the announcement of the third expansion of 2020. On September 1st, Gamers of Path of Exile will get their very first look into the next season of content and then learn more about this expansion’s league mechanic (include the name, the main gameplay, and trading system like how to buy Path of Exile currency in this league, etc.). This unnamed expansion has an estimated launch date of September 18th, 2020, however, it will not be made official during the September 1st, 2020 reveal at 2 PM PT. However, there was no mention of Path of Exile 2 announcements, however, fans of the series are still hoping for some more information on that massive update.
Grinding Gear Games also plans to launch new supporter packs along with the new 3.12 update, but also decided to keep the Harvest update supporter pack around too, therefore, players could select which pack to purchase of they wish. If players, they are looking to grow and defeat The Heart of the Grove, that means, they will need to get to it pretty soon, before the new expansion officially releases.
Right now, Path of Exile is available for macOS, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.